
Thursday, February 24, 2011

The 40th Best Ghost Story 1800-1849

Welcome to my countdown of the Top 40 ghost stories from 1800-1849. These are not just any ghost stories, mind you. They are the scariest ghost stories, ones that will keep you up at night. So let's get started. The first story was published anonymously. Little happens in the first ten pages, but then it gets wild (and a bit gruesome if you are squeamish). It is a ghost story set on the sea, as a lot of them were during this nautical period. It is called The Bloody Bread Bag. The ghost story is chapter VIII of "The-Man-of-War's-Man" published in Blackwood's during 1823. Enjoy.


Posted via email from Best Ghost Stories Blog

Monday, February 21, 2011

First Post in My Countdown of the Best Ghost Stories 1800-1849

In 2010 I counted down the Top 40 horror stories from 1800-1849 and published The Best Horror Short Stories 1800-1849: A Classic Horror Anthology. A lot of people were interested in the countdown so I've decided to countdown the best ghost stories for this time period in 2011. There will be a few surprises along the way, too. So sit back, relax, and get ready to experience some scary ghost stories.

Normally I would post background about the author (when available) and in a subsequent post provide a link to the ghost story. But for this first post, the author is anonymous so I don't have that luxury. Tomorrow I will post the 40th best ghost story from 1800-1849.

Posted via email from Best Classic Horror Short Stories Blog

Saturday, February 12, 2011