
Sunday, March 6, 2011

Another Trailer for the New Werewolf Movie Based on The Little Red Riding Hood Story

This is the second trailer I found for the new Red Riding Hood werewolf movie. It has more teeth than the first and it looks like the werewolf story theme could steal the show. If you need more werewolf stories to tide you over until the movie is released, check out The Best Werewolf Short Stories 1800-1849: A Classic Werewolf Anthology.


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A New Werewolf Movie Based on Old Short Story

There are a lot of commercials showing now for the new werewolf movie Riding Hood, which is based off the classic short story. I've attached the trailer for those of you who have not seen it. Of course, the Little Red Riding Hood story we all remember from childhood did not involve a werewolf, but rather a crafty wolf that could talk. Many times twists on old classics are done poorly by Hollywood. Let's hope the werewolf addition to this story is a welcomed edition. The trailer looks intriguing.



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Wednesday, March 2, 2011

The 39th Best Ghost Story 1800-1849


"In a lonely part of the bleak and rocky coast of Scotland, there dwelt a being who was designated by the few who knew and feared him, the Warlock Fisher." That is the tantalizing first sentence of The Phantom Hand that I have selected as the 39th best ghost story for the first half of the nineteenth century. It was first published anonymously in 1823 in The Citizen magazine. It enjoyed a six year publication history in various UK rags. Yes, my countdown of the best ghost stories from 1800-1849 is just starting. But all the ghost stories (even this early in the countdown) are solid and scary. Enjoy.

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Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Author of the 39th Best Ghost Story 1800-1849

Just like the like the author for the 40th best ghost story of 1800-1849, the next author is anonymous. I found a number of these stories in various magazines and periodicals of the day. This one comes from the Literary Magnet and I will post a free link to it in my next post. For now, enjoy the creepy illustration I found from the same time period.

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