
Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Review of The Best Horror Short Stories 1800-1849: A Classic Horror Anthology

The Midwest Book Review has posted a review of The Best Horror Short Stories 1800-8149: A Classic Horror Anthology. Here is what the 5 star review said:

"Horror is a young genre as far as literature goes, and it has gone far in its short life. "The Best Horror Short Stories 1800-1849: A Classic Horror Anthology" compiles some of the best early work by the fathers of modern horror such as Edgar Allan Poe, Charles Dickens, among other names. These stories branch from the traditional fiction of the time into something a bit more sinister. "The Best Horror Short Stories 1800-1849" is a top to bottom pick for anyone who appreciates where the best of horror came from." 

Posted via email from Best Classic Horror Short Stories Blog

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